Things to inspire of and delight in

There is beauty to behold all around us–the colors of a sunset, stars that light the night sky, fragrant flowers growing wild in an open field. God’s glory is revealed in His creation and in us as we create. Here you will find all things that inspire me–nature, photography, art, poems, etc.–and keep me living in the wonder of our great God.


God can take our brokenness and make something new.

I crafted these necklaces at the beginning of the pandemic. Feeling cooped up and emotionally down, I needed fresh air and a lift in my soul. Luckily, I live at the beach where salt, sand, and the sound heal my heart every time.

These shells were barely a thought when I began my stroll along the shores. But as I prayed and meditated on God and His creation, their scattered brokenness told a story all too familiar. They had been tossed about, carried and pulled from one place to another. No doubt, some days were rougher than others until one day along the journey, they were broken and left exposed on dry land.

As I noticed these shells, each one with a different yet similar journey, I picked them up and held them in my hand seeing beauty despite the flaws from being crushed. One by one, I collected shells and later at home fashioned them into something new. They had been remade for a new purpose.

God does the same thing with each of us. He sees us in our brokenness, picks us up and whispers into our souls, let me redeem your heartache and hurt, forming you into something new and glorious.

Being broken sounds negative, doesn’t it? The outside of a whole, unbroken oyster shell is jagged and rough, made for protection. The inside is where beauty is found and formed (just think about the way pearls are made). To be broken is to be opened so the unconditional love of God can have its way, cleaning out the gunk, doing away with the protective layers so our inner beauty (our true identity in Christ) is revealed. We are being made holy which is something far from negative; it is the utter goodness of God.


Your morning light covers the earth, a calming blue and yellow stretching over and out, calling those who slumber to wake, to rise, to begin again
It’s a new day filled with new mercies
Such a precious gift
Oh, how wonderful Your unfailing love
You, God, in Your loving kindness—
call us home
reclaim what’s Yours
compel us to keep going (even when we stumble)
never leave us stranded or hopeless
There’s no distance You wouldn’t go
No price You wouldn’t pay
To have our hearts
And for that, we praise You
We thank you for Your
Unconditional love
And as we thank You, Lord, Your morning light shines all the more
The darkness doesn’t go on forever
Your love will lighten the way


These beautiful pics were taken from two different trips visiting family in the mountains. One trip fell in December where a fresh blanket of snow covered the ground. The air, crisp and cool, smelled of winter. Though the elements were bare, life was all around and the light of the sun revealed both strength and delicacy. The picture featuring, the Lord is my rock, inspired me to write a piece of encouragement on my Instagram page, click here to read.

The mountains in October is a dream! A perfect Fall day was had as we ventured out to Apple Hill Farms, soaking in the splendor and sunlight. Both peaceful and quiet, we enjoyed the amazing views and had a lot of fun making new friends with the animals, especially the furry fellas below. My favorite picture is where the ray of sunshine lands right on top of the llama’s head.

Poetry & Photography

Evening sunset at home

Breathe deep, exhale
In cold air
My breath dances to music
I long to hear
All is quiet
Stillness and silence
But that sky
The setting sun sends an
intimate farewell,
burning the world in its descent
God’s glory is far from silent
It is loud and vibrant and robust
In cold air
I stand in wonder
and hear music at last.


S L O W down today and tend to your soul…